Darshan Baral

Divyam Srivastava

Junior Undergrad

S. V. National Institute of Technology,Surat

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About Me

I got acquainted with AI/ML stuff in my freshman year and ever since December of 2017, I am undertaking various projects on Learning algorithms, Computer Vision, & NLP. So Far I have my experience with many data science libraries and have quite a good grip on frameworks like Keras and PyTorch. My research goals are now shifted towards attention-based scene understanding. Currently, we are witnessing a transition from traditional RNNs that are based on immediate one-directional attention, to transformers (with global attention mechanisms). Such attention-based models can open interesting avenues related to understanding how the human brain uses past experiences to model its current perception and selective focus abilities.


**Machine Learning Intern**
May 2019 - July 2019 · Niramai Health Analytix Pvt. Ltd. (Bangalore,India)
  • Paper accepted at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium(SABCS)‘19
  • Mammographic Assessment for cancer prediction provides inconclusive results for Dense Breasts, adding an unnecessary exposure to radiation
  • Applied SOTA Deep Learning Techniques on thermographic breast images for density estimation (based on BIRADS category) as a pre-mammo process
  • Optimized existing models by leveraging transfer learning techniques and custom optimizers with differential learning rates across all layers for stable training
  • Analysed the effects of various views (per subject) as input on the final estimation
  • Implemented a cascaded network for multi-view multi-input analysis as well
  • Achieved a 90/60 specificity/ sensitivity ratio for dense breasts using ensemble of all proposed techniques.


B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
2017 - 2021 · Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat
GPA(%): 8.60
2016 · Chanderbala Modi Academy
GPA(%): 90.6
2014 · Chanderbala Modi Academy
GPA(%): 10.0



2019. D. Srivastava, A. Ganesh, S. Kakileti, G. Manjunath. A non-radiation based screening to detect dense breasts. [San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, AACR].


Image Captioning
Exploring supervised techniques involving treating the problem as seq2seq task and thereby using Transformers to solve problem.
iHack 2019 Project - IITB (Winner)
Web App and Android App with a feature for flagging bad comments on a live video stream. Comments are automatically analysed and flagged using a deep learning model designed from scratch.
GAN paper Implementations
Implemented Traditional GAN, DCGAN, WGAN (Weight clipping), WGAN (Gradient Penalty) on MNIST, CelebA datasets.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis (Char level + Word Level CNN)
Experimented with embedding layers and added 1-D Convolution layers on word vectors; networks inspired by AlexNet, ResNet. Best Accuracy ~ 83.5%
Student Intervention System (ML + j-Fuzzy) | DotSlash 2019
Used Machine Learning models coupled with a j-Fuzzy Logic model to predict a student’s end semester marks based on various socio-economic factors.
Speaker Recognition in Attendance | DotSlash 2018
Used Machine Learning API from Microsoft Azure Cloud ML services to create a speaker recognition pipeline for attendance system in colleges.


  • Reading Novels
  • Redditing
  • Blogging